It is not all about your genes

I was not very athletic growing up but lucky enough to come from a large family, living in big houses and so, playing “kids’ thing”, going up trees, jumping on wall ledges, jumping rope, etc. It was not until my mid 30’s that I got into , first...

Food for thought (a personal perspective)

Weight loss, fitness, healthy lifestyle, how is it that we are still talking about them? So much time into research, a multi billion dollar diet food industry, tons of supplements and vitamins to make us healthy…Why is it that a lot of people are still...

Weight loss: the other end of the stick

About three decades ago, being overweight was a curse. Kids, teens and adults alike were bullied, pointed fingers at, ridiculed. The industry for diet and weight loss products and services boomed,people, in particular women, looked for the latest fad diet to fit into...

Think of your body as a high maintenance machine

High maintenance? That’s a scary word, specially if you are on a budget. It’s true that buying good food, real food, free from conservatives, may cost you a little bit more money. But what about prescription drugs ? These are much higher out of pocket...

Facing challenges

How strong do you think you are? Probably much stronger than you know. We grow when we face challenges. Do things that, initially, make us feel uncomfortable, insecure, a little awkward. Don’t quit because you are afraid of failing. You can’t succeed if...